Author Topic: How to use Microsoft PowerPoint Presenter Coach (video)  (Read 264 times)

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How to use Microsoft PowerPoint Presenter Coach (video)
« on: March 20, 2021, 03:17:25 PM »
Yesterday Microsoft announced that the PowerPoint Presenter Coach feature is now available on all platforms (web, Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android).

Presenter Coach uses AI to improve the presentation skills of the users. It offers users feedback on their pace, use of monotone pitch, use of filler words, poor grammar, lack of originality, use of sensitive phrases, and more while they rehearse their presentations. At the end of each rehearsal, the Presenter Coach will also present a Summary Report highlighting the key pieces of feedback to help them become even better, more confident presenters.

Presenting is something most of us will have to do at some point, be it professionally or speaking at a wedding it funeral.

See Microsoft’s Mike Tholfsen deliver a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the new and just-updated Presenter Coach in PowerPoint below:

Presenter Coach features:

■ Great presentations are about more than just how you speak. When you are speaking to an audience—whether virtual or in-person—how you present yourself can have as much impact as the words you say. For this reason, we are introducing a new capability that leverages your video camera to give you feedback on your body language.

■ When you speak, you may use words and phrases repetitively without being aware of them. You may not notice it, but your audience may catch on and find it distracting. Presenter Coach can help you identify these words and phrases to avoid overusing them and keep your audience more engaged throughout your presentation

■ Presenter Coach can advise you about the correct pronunciation of words you speak throughout your rehearsal. When the Presenter Coach perceives that you may have mispronounced a word, it will display the word(s) and provide an experience that helps you practice pronouncing the word correctly. You’ll be able to listen to a recorded pronunciation guide of the word as many times as you’d like.
