Author Topic: Microsoft’s upcoming OS for dual and folding screen devices is named Windows 10X  (Read 474 times)

Online javajolt

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Microsoft is expected to reveal its dual-screen Surface device at its press event tomorrow. This dual-screen Surface device will not be running a regular Windows 10 OS, instead, it will be running a new OS called Windows 10X.

According to @evleaks, the new Windows 10X OS is designed for dual-screen and foldable devices. Even though Windows 10X is designed for new kinds of devices, it would be able to run classic Windows desktop applications in containers.

Early this year, Microsoft shared the following as its vision for a modern OS. I really hope Windows 10X will feature all of the below characteristics.

   ■ Seamless updates: With modern OS updates are invisibly done in the
      background; the update experience is deterministic, reliable, and instant with
      no interruptions!

   ■ Secure by default: The state is separated from the operating system;
      compute is separated from applications; this protects the user from malicious
      attacks throughout the device lifecycle.

   ■ Always connected: With a modern OS Wifi, LTE 5G will just work – and
      users never have to worry about a dead spot. All of a user's devices are aware
      and connected to each other.

   ■ Sustained performance: From the moment a user picks up their device –
      everything is ready to go – without having to worry about the next time the PC
      needs to be charged. These enablers will satisfy customer’s basic needs, but to
      truly differentiate we must also delight them.

   ■ Cloud-connected: Experiences that use the computing power of the cloud
      to enhance user's experiences on their devices. These experiences are powered
      by AI, so a modern OS is aware of what a user is doing tomorrow and helps
      them get it done, and it enhances applications making them more intelligent.

   ■ Multi-sense: People can use pen, voice, touch, even gaze – whatever
      input method a user wants to use works just as well as the keyboard and

   ■ Form factor agility: A modern OS has the right sensor support and
      posture awareness to enable the breadth of innovative form factors and
      applications that our partner ecosystem will deliver

Along with the Windows 10X and dual-screen Surface device, Microsoft will announce several new Surface devices including the new ARM-powered Surface device. Most of them got leaked early today, you can read about them here and here.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 06:11:15 PM by javajolt »