Author Topic: Adylkuzz, another large scale Windows cyberattack, is reportedly on its way  (Read 121 times)

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Brace yourselves: after the WannaCry attack, a new report from AFT says that a more troubling cyber attack will hit computers on an even larger scale.

Adylkuzz attacks may be worse than WannaCry

The new wave of attacks already have a name – Adylkuzz – and the attacks will be on such a larger scale that the last WannaCry attacks will seem small. The future attacks will use the infected computers to mine virtual currency, according to the latest reports.

Nicolas Godier, a researcher at the Proofpoint computer security company, was recently interviewed and said that these new cyber attacks will target the same vulnerabilities WannaCry focused on. Instead of disabling a machine, though, the new attack will most likely infect it to mine virtual currency in the background for the hackers who place it there.

On Proofpoint’s blog, there is a post suggesting the symptoms of infection, including the loss of access to shared Windows resources and degradation of computer and server performance.

Proofpoint’s post offers all the known details:

Another very large-scale attack using both EternalBlue and DoublePulsar to install the cryptocurrency miner Adylkuzz. Initial statistics suggest that this attack may be larger in scale than WannaCry, affecting hundreds of thousands of PCs and servers worldwide: because this attack shuts down SMB networking to prevent further infections with other malware (including the WannaCry worm) via that same vulnerability, it may have in fact limited the spread of last week’s WannaCry infection.
The unpleasant news strikes just as the hacking group Shadow Brokers demonstrated its nasty intentions for future exploits.
