Author Topic: E3 2021: Unveils its virtual event portal and app  (Read 392 times)

Offline javajolt

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E3 2021: Unveils its virtual event portal and app
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:28:34 PM »
For the all-digital E3 2021 this year, you won’t just be tuning into any old Twitch stream oh no, instead E3 has its very own online portal and app for you to follow all the goings-on.

The E3 2021 online portal and app will be the hub for the events activity, there’ll be virtual exhibitor “booths”, hosted events, video conferencing all available from within the service that’s been created by Game Cloud Network, HCL Technologies Ltd and Revyrie Inc.

Stanley Pierre-Louis, President & CEO of the ESA said in the news post that “from the moment we decided to host E3 virtually, we’ve been focused on providing an interactive experience for fans around the globe that goes beyond the typical livestream,” which should be provided through the lounges, forums, and leaderboards in these online hubs.

On June 12th, when E3 starts if you could believe the coincidence, the public online portal will give access to:

■ Exhibitor Booths – Featuring special events, VOD content and articles, exhibitor booths will act as hubs within the portal for key announcements and game information tied to each exhibitor

■ Lounges – Online gathering spots for all E3 attendees

■ Forums – Special boards for focused online discussion and sharing among attendees

■ Leaderboards – Gamified show elements that can be collected and displayed, encouraging fans to interact in as many ways as possible

■ Profile Creation – All attendees can create their own unique profiles within the portal and app, which can be customized

E3 2021 is set to run from June 12th to June 15th, with plenty of big names already signed up to be in attendance.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 02:06:16 PM by javajolt »