Author Topic: Microsoft adds new features and improvements to Office 365 on the web  (Read 1825 times)

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Earlier today, Microsoft introduced several new features for Office 365 on the web. Microsoft is making some major improvements to the web app of Office 365 to improve the user experience and productivity.

With the latest update, Microsoft has introduced a new “What’s New” pane which basically gives you a quick look at what’s new on the web app from the Help Pane. Alongside this new addition, Microsoft is also making improvements to how notifications appear to improve the productivity of users. with the latest update, a new pane displays real-time notifications on your system alerts, personal reminders and communications, including new emails, etc.

Microsoft is also adding Skype for Business integration right into Office 365 on the web, which is indeed a very nice addition. Microsoft states:

Conversations and real-time access to colleagues across locations, time zones, or even just down the hall have become commonplace for many of us. You will now have the option to start an instant message, voice and/ or video conversation with one or several of your colleagues right from the productivity of your inbox, OneDrive for Business or calendar application. Conversations will provide you with real-time, direct access to the information you need directly from your colleagues and persist across applications.
Alongside the new productivity features, Microsoft is also making improvements to the user experience. With the latest update, there’s a new updated Settings section which allows users to customize the theme of Office 365 on the web.

The latest update is indeed a major update, and it’s looking pretty amazing. If you’re an Office 365 web users, what do you think of the latest additions? Discuss in the comments section below!

source: Office Blog – Via: WinBeta