Author Topic: There are no upcoming plans for a new Windows 11  (Read 944 times)

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There are no upcoming plans for a new Windows 11
« on: June 03, 2021, 05:07:50 PM »
Microsoft will reveal what the “next generation” of Windows will look like on June 24 but it isn't Windows 11
So many people are looking for the new version of windows11, but the thing they don't know, is there any thing called windows 11, in this article we will discover the reality about the next Microsoft OS. Will there be windows 11 any time soon ?
The question that every windows user is looking for "when is Windows 11 Release Date", As we know the latest version of windws had been released in 2015. And ever since then we haven't heard much about an upcoming version of microsoft windows.

There is Nothing called Microsoft Windows 11
According to Jerry Nixon, Microsoft developer evangelist said in a conference "Right now we're releasing windows 10, and because 10 is the last version of windows, we are all still working on windows 10", and that was 5 years ago.
Steve Kleynhans (a research vice-presedent at analyst), Said "There will be no windows 11" , He also said that Microsoft avoided to use the name "Windows 9" and instead used Windows 10 as signification of a break with a past of successive version of windows (7/8/8.1).
"Every three years Microsoft had to create a new OS" and also had to spend a big amount of money on advertising and marketing to convince people to upgrade to the last version of windows, but with the new strategy of the company none of that is going to happen, that strategy will really help developers to focus on their programs and not just changing the plan every 3 or 4 years to keep up with the new version of the OS.

There are no upcoming plans for a new Windows 11!
Microsoft Company announced long time ago that windows 10 will get two updates per year, with new features each time. This is part of the company's strategy.
As we know before Windows 10, Microsoft used to released a new version of windows every three or four years.The new features were often verry significant, requiring training in some situations.
In this case, the company of windows is intended to deliver feature updates approximately twice a year.
Microsoft promised that they would continually improve windows 10 by adding new features to their product, such as the windows 10 Creator's Update, and the upcoming Fall Creator's Update.

Won't Microsoft lose money that way?
Actually Nope, Even if a new feature update is released, even if a continuous update is performed, the PC hardware will become old, which may cause your old PC to lose compatibility. The owner then have to  buy a new computer. The company will make money when we buy Windows as a CD or USB stick or even by downloading it from official website.

The Good News!
"It doesn't mean that Windows is frozen and will never move forward again"Kleynhans Said "Indeed we are about to see the opposite, with the speed of windows updates shifting into high gear" he continued.      "Overall this is a positive step, but it does have some risks"he saidUnstead of releasing new windows 11, Microsoft will have to work hard to keep generating uptade and new features to the previous version of windows.

Windows 10 is not the last operating system Microsoft will release!
From another point of view, Microsoft company never said that windows 10 is the last OS they will provide. The people claming otherwise are mis-understanding what Jerry Nexon said ( he is a Microsoft developer, not a microsoft  marketing or strategist)So his quote was erroneously repeated out of context.

Finally, what should we know?
Let's suppose that windows 10 is the last version of the serie, and from now on, they will just update win10 from time to time.However, keep in mind that Microsoft has already done this before. Internet Explorer 6 was the "final" version of the product until they began to lose market coins, and after years of only updates for Internet Explorer 6, Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7 (now there is internet explorer 11).
So what we are saying is maybe Microsoft will do do the same with Windows 11 or whatever the next Windows is 11 or 12 or whatever version there might be futured.
source microsoft insider
« Last Edit: June 06, 2021, 08:27:16 PM by riso »